Steinberg aggiorna Cubase Pro 8 e Cubase Artist 8


Steinberg ha rilasciato l’aggiornamento di mantenimento 8.0.5 per Cubase Pro 8 e Cubase Artist 8.

L’aggiornamento risolve diversi problemi legati al dimensionamento delle finestre nei PC con Windows, specie coi plugin che vengono impostati nella modalità “in Primo Piano”.

In aggiunta a questo il nuovo aggiornamento che potete scaricare a questo indirizzo per MAC e PC risolve i seguenti bug:

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on “Register now…” had no effect (Mac OS X only).
  • Fixed an issue where using “Start License Activation” had no effect (Mac OS X only).
  • Fixed an issue where changing tempo affected the volume of channels in a VCA Fader Link Group.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed VCA Faders to be included in their own Link Groups.
  • Fixed an issue where missing input ports caused a distorted sound.
  • Fixed an issue that rendered the application unresponsive when Lanes were used.
  • Fixed an issue where the automatic Hitpoint detection rendered the application unreliable when large audio files were used.
  • Fixed an issue where the song position pointer was left visible on screen when minimizing the application window.
  • Fixed an issue where the VST Bass Amp plug-in rendered the application unreliable.
  • Fixed a latency issue with monitoring when using VST Connect SE 3 in input buses.
  • Fixed an issue with wrong user interface scaling on PC Windows systems using high-resolution displays.

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